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吳恩斌老师 |
張金龍老师 |
李偉生老师 |
葉潔芝老师 |
耿立老师 |
![]() 白云老师 |
![]() 李周姬老师 |
![]() 张庆老师 |
林德忠弟兄 |
陈菀柔姊妹 |
郑家常長老 |
俞葳老师 |
![]() 劉傳章牧師師母 |
俞翠嬋牧師 |
劉利宇牧師 |
陳世欽牧師 |
陳邱芬祥師母 |
余振源牧師 |
余張治美師母 |
徐忠昌牧師 |
陶恩光牧師 |
李世耀牧師夫婦 |
2005年畢業於義大利羅馬藝術音樂研究學院。師從著名男高音歌唱家Vicenzo Sanso、女高音歌唱家Clara Scarangella、男高音歌唱家 Gianni Bavaglio等大師,主修聲樂和歌劇。畢業後師從著名指揮家和作曲家 Davide Summaria, 及男中音歌唱家 Deglinnocenti Angelo大師深造。2006年7月曾在澳門的第七屆世界華福大會擔任領詩的侍奉,曾在義大利,法國,英國,德國,西班牙,匈牙利,葡萄牙,希臘,中國,馬來西亞等國家獻唱,領詩及培訓,也曾前後兩次在杭州崇一堂獻唱。除了嚴謹的聲樂裝備之外,同時也獲得(普世豐盛神學院神學學士學位,致力藉著敬拜帶領人來認識和回應神。從2009年開始詩歌創作及作曲,在華人教會中展開音樂事工之相關培訓,2011年在義大利羅馬正式成立一個以推動及發展教會“敬拜與音樂”事工為導向的非盈利基督教機構---“恩韻音樂事工Grace Melody”。異像是推動信徒們獻上合神心意的讚美與敬拜。
Francis Wu ~ Tenor
He graduated from the Italian National Academy of Music in Rome in 2005, under the tutelage of famous tenor Vicenzo Sanso, soprano Clara Scarangella, tenor Gianni Bavaglio and other masters, majoring in vocal music and opera. After graduation he followed renowned conductor and composer Davide Summaria, and baritone Deglinnocenti Angelo for further studies. He served as worship leader in the 7th Chinese Congress on World Evangelization held in Macau in July 2006, and also has traveled to Italy, France, England, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Portugal, Greece, China, Malaysia, and other countries giving performances, leading worships and providing trainings, and has performed twice in Hangzhou’s Chong-Yi Church. While obtaining Bachelor of Theology from Global Enrichment Theological Seminary, he is dedicated in leading man to understand and respond to God through worship. He began composing hymns in 2009, and started in music ministry related trainings among the Chinese churches. With the objective of promoting and developing church "worship and music", in 2011, he officially established a ministry-oriented, non-profit Christian organization in Rome, the "En Yun Music Ministry Grace Melody". The ministry’s vision is to promote Christian believers to offer praise and worship that are pleasing to God.
1998年畢業于馬來西亞藝術學院并榮獲最佳學生獎。同年以特優成績考獲英國Guildhall音樂學院演唱證書。1999年考獲英國倫敦音樂學院Diploma of Licentiateship演唱證書。2001年遠赴意大利羅馬深造,隨從男高音歌唱家Umberto Borso。2003年曾參加國際著名男高音歌唱家Pier Miranda Ferraro大師班,深受贊賞。同年,進入羅馬音樂研究學院修習聲樂及歌劇表演,師從男高音歌唱家Giovanni Bavaglio,及指揮家Stephen Kramer。2005年首次參加國際歌唱比賽以杰出的表現,深受國際著名男高音歌唱家Gianni Raimondi的賞識并賽后親自給予指導。2006年以最佳成績考入意大利Pescara Luisa D’annunzio國立音樂院,師從男中音歌唱家Paolo Speca。同年,張金龍首次在羅馬舉辦個人演唱會,并對意大利的演唱詮釋博得了專家和觀眾的一致好評。2007年榮幸獲選代表音樂學院參與歐盟成立日的演出。在校期間深受師長的愛戴,曾多次参与独唱及歌剧演出擔任主角。2008年7月,以最高榮譽畢業。回國后,多次受邀參與不同類型的音樂會,甚獲好評。2009年十二月,受邀演唱由吉隆坡艺术表演中心举办韩德尔神剧《Messiah》。2010年四月在新加坡维多利亚音乐厅,成功举办个人演唱会,同样获得好评。六月,受台湾高雄师范音乐大学邀请参与演唱由维也纳制作团队制作的约翰.斯特劳斯轻歌剧《Die Fledermaus》担任 Alfred的角色。 八月,受邀在新加坡滨海艺术中心演唱神剧《Elijah》。九月,参与十人基督徒巡回马来西亚演唱会。今年4月,受邀到印尼雅加达参与演唱贝多芬神剧《Christus am oelberge》。五月,再次参与十人基督徒到新西兰及澳洲巡回演唱。目前除了是專職的歌唱家,聲樂講師,還是“音契聖樂團”、“Te Deum”教會工作坊的聲樂指導,常受邀到不同团体,教會營會給予聲樂指導與訓練。
Solomon Chong ~ Tenor
Solomon Chong graduated from Malaysia Institute of Art (MIA) in 1998 with the honour of Best Student Award. In the same year, he acquired distinction in Certificate of vocal performance from Guildhall School of Music and Drama in UK. He acquired Diploma of Licentiateship in vocal performance from the London College of Music In 1999. He went to Rome, Italy in 2001 for further studies in vocal music under the famous tenor Umberto Borso. He attended the master class of the internationally renowned tenor Pier Miranda Ferraro in 2003, and his talent was much acclaimed. In the same year, Solomon enrolled for vocal music and opera performance studies in Rome Music Conservatory, under the renowned tenor Giovanni Bavaglio and conductor Stephen Kramer. In 2005, Solomon entered his first international vocal competition where his outstanding performance was greatly appreciated by the internationally renowned tenor Gianni Raimondi, who gave him personal coaching after the event. With exceptional results, Solomon entered Pescara Luisa D’annunzio National Music Conservatory of Italy in 2006 and was coached by the baritone Paolo Speca. In the same year, Solomon Chong held his solo debut in Rome. His interpretation of Italian repertoire won him great acclaim from both the critics and audience. In 2007, he was chosen to represent the conservatory in a concert celebrating the establishment of European Union. During his study in the conservatory, he was highly regarded by the professors, and had many opportunities to perform as a soloist and a leading role in opera. Solomon graduated with the highest honour in July, 2008. After his return to Malaysia, he was invited to perform in various musical concerts, with great acclaim. In December 2009, he was invited by KL Performing Art Centre to sing in Handel’s Messiah. In April 2010, he held his solo concert in Victoria Concert Hall of Singapore. It was a success and was favourably received. In June, he was invited by Kaohsiung Teachers College of Music, Taiwan to perform the role of Alfred in Johann Strauss’ operetta “Die Fledermaus”, presented by Vienna Production Team. In August, he was invited to perform in the oratorio “Elijah” at Esplanade, Singapore. In September, he participated in the Ten Christian concert tour in Malaysia. In April this year, he was invited to sing in Beethoven’s oratorio “Christus am Olberge” in Jakarta, Indonesia. In May, he joined the Ten Christian concert tour again to New Zealand and Australia. Currently, he is a professional singer and vocal teacher, as well as the vocal instructor for Yin Qi Sacred Music Choir and “Te Deum” Church Music Workshop. Solomon is also frequently invited to provide vocal coaching and training for different groups and church camps.
耿立,1985年生於台灣高雄,自幼學習鋼琴及長笛,並以長笛主修進入高雄市立新興國中音樂班,爾後以聲樂主修畢業於國立鳳新高中音樂班。長笛師事陳俐妦老師及馬曉珮老師;鋼琴師事許恆雄老師、柯嘉惠老師、陳翠娟老師及陳曉雰老師;聲樂曾師事莊美麗老師及翟瑩老師。2008年畢業於國立台灣師範大學音樂系,聲樂師事任蓉教授。並於同年考上義大利羅馬音樂院C0nservatorio di musica Santa Cecilia聲樂組高級班,師事Anna Maria Ferrante.
1999年 參加高雄市港都社教盃國中歌唱組 獲第一名
2000年 參加高雄市港都社教盃國中歌唱組獲第二名
2001年 參加高雄市港都社教盃國中歌唱組獲第一名
2002年 參加高雄市港都社教盃高中歌唱組 獲第一名
參加高雄市文化盃音樂比賽高中聲樂組 獲第一名
參加國立中山大學盃聲樂比賽 獲17歲以下最有淺力獎並與高雄市立交響樂團合作演出得獎者音樂會
2003年 參加高雄市文化盃音樂比賽高中聲樂組 獲第一名
2005年 舉辦張慶、耿立聯合音樂會
2006年 參與"世華金嗓大匯唱"音樂會於國家音樂廳演出
2007年 獲國立台灣師範大學九十六學年度聲樂組協奏曲比賽第一名
2008年 參加第六屆世界華人聲樂大賽霍地二名及最佳歌劇角色詮釋獎
2009年 獲台灣奇美藝術獎
2011年 參與世界華人聲樂大賽歷屆得奬者音樂會於台北、台中、台南演出,並在高雄舉辦“耿立--義式美聲饗宴“獨唱
劉師母自幼愛好唱歌,青少年時熱愛古典音樂和唱藝術歌曲。重生信耶穌後喜愛聖樂,也將歌喉獻給神使用。本行專業為護士,在家庭、教會、業餘時,在華府聲樂大師Mr.todd Duncand的門生Elizabeth Daniels 老師指導下學習八年。四十年來除了在聖詩班服事,也隨同劉牧師到各地獻詩服事神。
1992年毕业于中国沈阳音乐学院声乐专业,获学士学位。 同年进入辽宁省歌剧院,担任首席女高音。 1995年赴韩国留学,获“大师班”文凭证书。 1997年至2001年在意大利罗马国立音乐学院学习(Conservatorio di Musica “ Santa Cecilia” di Roma),2001年获该院声乐专业最高文凭。2001年至2002年参加意大利罗马国立音乐学院助教专职课程班学习,并获证书。 2003年获“罗马大师班”文凭证书。2009年至2011年再次进入罗马国立音乐学院学习。
白云作为一名职业歌唱家先后在世界各地演出。 如:意大利罗马国家歌剧院(Teatro Opera di Roma), 梵蒂冈保禄六世大厅(Auditorium Paolo VI di Vaticano), 意大利罗马国家音乐厅( Auditorium Conciliazione Santa Cecilia),意大利罗马国立音乐学院音乐厅(Sala Accademia di S. Cecilia),意大利罗马Ambra Jovinelli 剧院, 意大利罗马Orione 剧院, 意大利罗马Palazzo Barberini 宫,意大利罗马Palazzo Ruspoli宫,意大利罗马Palazzo Rospigliosi宫,德国纽伦堡歌剧院,台湾等重要场地演出。
白云的专业演出得到意大利艺术界的高度肯定。她先后数年在意大利外交部音乐厅举办个人专场音乐会(2005年,2006年,2007年,2009年,2010年,2011年)。同时还在意大利各地及教堂演出。如:意大利国家银行音乐厅, 意大利Mentana市音乐厅,意大利Castelchiodato市音乐厅, 罗马省S. Angelo Romano 市音乐厅,罗马省Palombara Sabina 市音乐厅,Sutri 市音乐厅,Viareggio市音乐厅等等,及梵蒂冈教堂(Teatro Pontificio Oratorio S. Pietro), 梵蒂冈的Pontificia Chiesa S. Anna 教堂,罗马Il Gonfalone 教堂, 罗马Basilica di S. Maria in Trastevere 教堂,罗马Evangelica Metodista 教堂,罗马Scozia教堂,S. Francesco-Sutri教堂,罗马Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri教堂,罗马Cristiana Evangelica 中国教堂,以及罗马艺术界的重要聚会场所Caffe Greco 等场地演出。
白云曾多次获得国内外声乐比赛的奖项, 中国辽宁声乐比赛优秀奖,中国沈阳市声乐比赛第一名, 中国电视全国声乐比赛优秀奖,中国武汉全国声乐比赛第三名,罗马世界华人比赛第六名及优秀奖,意大利国际声乐比赛“ Giacomo Lauri Volpi”获得最佳音乐表达奖,意大利罗马国际Fox Cover Play音乐节优秀奖,意大利罗马国际“二十世纪至二十一世纪”歌剧等奖项。
媒体报道有人民日报海外版,欧华时报,新华时报,沈阳日报,意大利共和报,意大利国家电视台,意大利国家电台,意大利“Gold” 电视台,梵蒂冈电台等媒体。
E’ Nata a Daegu - Corea del Sud – il 29 dicembre 1976.
Ha conseguito la laurea in strumenti musicali presso l’Università Young Nam di Daegu e nel 2001 consegue la specializzazione post-laurea in pianoforte presso la medesima Università. Ha conseguito il diplomata in pianoforte presso il Conservatorio di Musica di Cesena. Ha secondo diplomato il Biennio Specialistico in “Accompagnatore e collaboratore al pianoforte” tenuto dal M° Giovanna Crescentini. Attualmente frequenta il corso musica vocale da camera dal M° Luigi Petrozziello, Elisabetta Andreani, Tiziana Scandaletti presso il ?conservatorio di musica “ Santa Cecilia” di Roma.
Ha svolto e svolge una intensa attività artistica sia come Pianista Solista sia come Maestro Accompagnatore grazie ad una specifica preparazione nel vasto repertorio dell’Opera lirica.
Attualmente collabora come Maestro Accompagnatore presso l’Accademia Romana delle arti Musicali (A.R.A.M), nel corso di pianoforte per i cantanti, nei Master Class, nel corso di studi della musica da camera ed nel corso di interpretazione dell’opera lirica con i Maestri Gianni Bavaglio, Clara Scarangela, Stephen Kramer.
Pianista accompagnatore di Soprano Ines Salazar.
A conservatorio Santa Cecilia collabora nei calsse di Arte Scenica.
Dal 2004 è accompagnatrice del coro della chiesa evangelica coreana “Nova Vita” di Roma e dal 2008 è accompagnatrice del coro della chiesa evangelica cinese di Roma Est.
Tra i suoi ultimi concerti spiccano quello del Lavender Festival a Highland Springs - Los Angeles, USA – il Gran Gala dell’Opera, presso la Chiesa Santa Maria Extra Moenia, Monumento Nazionale – Antrodoco (RT) e il concerto “Romanze liriche” organizzato dal Rotary Club International nella Sala Salvi - Subiaco. Il concerto lirico a Ferrara organizzato Telethon. Il concerto lirico a Cagliari in “Forte Village” anche a Palermo. ?”Musica di sera” al teatro reggia di Caserta 194 e 195’ annuale corpo di commissariato dell’esercito. “concerto di Natale” vari chiese a Roma e Pisciotta. Master calss per corso di ‘musica vocale da camera’ in Ischia. Accompagnato in concerto “Musica lirica coreana” in teatro Pompei. E ‘voci dalla Corea’ in chiesa S. Paolo entro le mura a Roma.
离开台湾后进入意大利Pescara城的Luisa D'Annunzio音乐院,攻读硕士学位。除了在Abruzzo省中参与多场音乐会演出外,09年与10年也曾在Fondazione d'Opera协会制作的Otello与La Bohème两部歌剧的合唱团中担任男高音,巡演于多个城市。
![葉潔芝](jianjie/qin yu ji booklet 02_221x265.jpg)
畢業于義大利羅馬國立音樂學院 (Conservatorio di musica ‘Santa Cecilia’, Roma), 師承Lorraine Nawa Jones 和Kristin Ann Saldarelli 學習聲樂, 追隨Marcello Ferroni 義大利著名歌劇導演,鑽研舞臺藝術表演(Arte scenica). 留意期間, 曾在各地演出, 並被邀至當地國家電臺RAI演出. 1994年獲得意大第7屆Cascinalirica國際聲樂大賽得獎, 也是唯一亞裔得得獎者. 意大著名歌劇刊物”L’Opera”, 評述演唱具細緻豐富的音樂語言以及充滿戲劇生命張力.
回國後她曾多次被邀演出歌劇,神劇及音樂會, 足跡遍及全馬各地, 義大利,韓國, 星加玻, 紐西蘭,澳洲,臺灣及印尼. 曾演出的歌劇劇碼: Carmen (Micaela ), Hansel und Gretel(Mother) ,Turandot(Liu)以及擔任多部神劇和清唱劇之獨唱: 韓德爾-“彌賽亞”,”Dixit Dominus”(HWV 232),海頓- “創世記“, 巴哈-“聖馬太受難曲”,巴哈-“B小調彌撒曲”精粹,孟德爾頌-“以利亞”, “詩篇95”和 “頌贊之歌”, 維瓦蒂–“榮耀頌” (RV 589), Dixit Dominus (RV 594),貝多芬- “第九交響曲”及中國清唱劇“黃河大合唱”(南洋商報80周年紀念匯演",指揮顏良琨先生). 她也是第一位在亞洲首演演唱韓德爾之7首女高音獨唱“榮耀頌” 的歌唱家。(2001年被發現之作品,HWV deest號)。
葉潔芝與她曾合作的單位與樂團包括The Malaysia National Symphony Orchestra, the Singapore Lyric Orchestra, the KLPAC Symphony Orchestra, the PESSOC Symphony Orchestra, The Singapore Lyric Opera, The Penang Art’s Council, Artist Platform, The Ancora Bel Canto, Singapore Hallelujah Oratorio Society , Jakartha Festival Chorus。她的演唱得到許多大眾, 報章以及樂評的肯定, 曾被我國Boh Plantation贊助網上藝術評委Kakiseni頒發2002度”Cameronian Art’s Award”的最佳獨唱演唱獎.
除了演唱,她也極力推廣聲樂教育—常被邀給予聲樂講座,大師班,主辦演奏歌曲賞析會,寫作聲樂專欄(基督教合唱季刊)等, 並長年與指揮李忠民牧師和馬來西亞音契聖樂傳播中心合作參與聖樂音樂會出。
“Yap certainly lived up to expectation. Her voice was clear and powerful, and superbly controlled even for the most demanding songs…” ~ The Malay Mail
“Yap is a singer of rare musicality and stunning virtuosity. Her voice left the audience in awe with its sheer power, wide range and histrionic ability…” ~ The Star
“Carmen” – “Micaela is a complicated role to play. Cecilia brought humanity to Micaela, … She did Bizet proud. She did us proud. Her voice was clarity and sweetness, sorrow and loss”. ~ Kakiseni.com
“Turandot” –“Yap shone as Liu…..A true malaysian diva.” ~ Kakiseni.com
“Viva Verdi” - …very secure technique, blossoming in the higher range, with ease and freedom in the singing that was welcome, as well as some real dramatic flair with no sacrifice to beauty of tone.” ~ The Flying Inkpot, Singapore
Cecilia Yap --- Soprano
Cecilia Yap was born in Ipoh, Malaysia and graduated from the Conservatorio of “Santa Cecilia” in Rome, Italy, under renowned sopranos K.S. Ann Saldarelli , Lorraine Nawa Jones Marenzi and Marcello Ferroni- one of the most acclaimed operatic directors in “Arte Scenica”.
During her eight years in Italy she gave a number of recitals and appeared on some national TV programmes. She was the winner of the 7th International Vocal Competition at Cascina, Italy in 1994 and was the only Asian to enter the finals. Her performances received critical acclaim from “L’Opera”, a leading opera magazine, which noted her dramatic flair and refined vocal expression and interpretation.
She is also a prolific concert singer and recitalist and has performed in various countries including Malaysia, Italy, Taiwan, Indonesia, Korea , Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. Her operatic involvement includes acclaimed appearances in various Penang Arts Council’s productions as Micaela in Carmen, Mother in Hansel und Gretel and Liu in Turandot. She has also been invited to sing the soprano solos in many major oratorios works in Malaysia and abroad such as: Bach’s St Matthew’s Passion, Excerpts of Bach’s B minor mass, Handel’s The Messiah, Dixit Dominus (HWV 232), Haydn’s “The Creation”, Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” and the choral works “Hymn of Praise” and “Psalm 95”, Vivaldi’s Gloria in D (RV 589), and Dixit Dominus (RV 594), Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 and “The Yellow River” Cantata.
She was also the soloist in Asia’s premiere of Handel’s Gloria (HWV deest), a work newly discovered in 2001.
Cecilia was also the recipient of the Best Solo Performance of the Year Award at the 2002 Cameronian Arts Awards organised by ‘Kakiseni’ sponsored by Boh Plantations.
She has worked with The Malaysia National Symphony Orchestra, the Singapore Lyric Orchestra, the KLPAC Symphony Orchestra, and the PESSOC Symphony Orchestra. Opera and music companies which she has worked with include The Singapore Lyric Opera, The Penang Art’s Council, Artist Platform, The Ancora Bel Canto, the Singapore Hallelujah Oratorio Society and the Jakartha Festival Chorus.
Cecilia has devoted herself to promoting the art of sacred music. She has a long-standing cooperation with Rev. Lee Chong Min, the conductor of Singapore Hallelujah Society and Yin Qi Music Centre (Music Fellowship). She has also committed herself in vocal pedagogical activities and was often invited to conduct vocal lectures, master classes, recitals in music analysis and appreciations as well as writing a column on vocal techniques in the Christian Choral Quarterly.
“Yap certainly lived up to expectation. Her voice was clear and powerful, and superbly controlled even for the most demanding songs…” ~ The Malay Mail
“Yap is a singer of rare musicality and stunning virtuosity. Her voice left the audience in awe with its sheer power, wide range and histrionic ability…” ~ The Star
“Carmen” – “Micaela is a complicated role to play. Cecilia brought humanity to Micaela, … Her voice was clarity and sweetness, sorrow and loss”. ~ Kakiseni.com
“Viva Verdi” - …very secure technique, blossoming in the higher range, with ease and freedom in the singing that was welcome, as well as some real dramatic flair with no sacrifice to beauty of tone.” ~ The Flying Inkpot, Singapore
![陳世欽牧師(Rev. Dr. Joshua Ting)](jianjie/joshua_286x265.jpg)
陳牧師為馬來西亞砂勞越人,妻子邱芬祥(Daisy),育有兩男(明獻Titus & 明奭Polus)一女(之歆Ainos)。
陳牧師早年於新加坡神學院接受神學裝備,後就讀於美國加州BIOLA UNIVERSITY先後取得「婚姻家庭碩士」(M.A.)和「教牧學博士」(D.Min.)學位。
曾擔任新加坡神學院(Singapore Bible College)訓導主任,後為美國加州洛杉磯國語浸信會國語牧師。 前為美國賓州基督使者協會(Ambassadors for Christ)事工總主任並擔任海內外七間華人神學院的客座講師。 現為世界華福中心(CCCOWE—Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism) 總幹事。
![陳邱芬祥師母(Mrs. Daisy Ting)](jianjie/Daisy_200x191.jpg)
陳師母早年畢業於馬來西亞聖經神學院,後與夫婿陳牧師同心配搭,從牧養事奉到神學教育,成為陳牧師事奉過程中背後最大的支持和力量.陳師母自小學習鋼琴,於青年時擔任教會詩班司琴,也擔任指揮.後於美國加州聖工學院取得聖樂碩士學位(MCM),主修管風琴,經常擔任教會聯合詩班之風琴師;也曾追隨著名聲樂家翁綠萍老師 (Eunice Chou)和邵聖容老師 (Rona Whipkey) 學習聲樂。
Rev. Oo Chin Guan was birthed and grew up in Malaysia. Starting in 1973, he served God full-time. He graduated from Singapore Bible College/ China Evangelical Seminary Taiwan/ LOGOS Evangelical Seminary. He is currently serving as the senior pastor for Columbus Chinese Christian Church in the state of Ohio, U.S.A.
李氏自少年時代開始在香港深水埗浸信會接受聖樂訓練,並隨鄭棣聲教授學習聲樂及指揮。十八歲起擔 任教會詩班指揮。曾任聖樂部部長及教會執事會主席之職。 1977年參加香港男聲聖詠團,並參與其中美國、加拿大及菲律賓巡迴演唱,曾任團長之職。 1989年移民美國紐約後,李弟兄先後在賴神浸信會、布碌崙華人浸信會、史德頓島華人基督教會及美門華人基督教會擔任詩班指揮、崇拜領唱,並訓練領詩、指揮等聖樂事奉,經常應邀到不同教會及音樂會擔任獨唱。李氏目前在美國新澤西州的若歌教會負責影音事工服侍。
Wilson Li
Born in Hong Kong, Wilson Li received his music training at an early age in the Shamshuipo Baptist Church. He became church choir director, music department head at age 18 under the tutelage of revered professor, Stanley Cheng. In 1977, he joined and performed with the Singing Churchmen of Hong Kong. During which Wilson Li joined the North America and Philippines singing tours, and later also serving as one of the group's chairmen. Wilson Li served as church’s deacon board chairman until immigrating to the United States in 1989. He continues to share his experience serving as choir director, worship leader, and/or music training instructor at each church he has attended including: Trust In God Baptist Church, Staten Island Chinese Christian Church, Brooklyn Chinese Baptist Church, Monmouth Chinese Christian Church. Although he is currently serving as one of the audio/visual ministry technical advisors at Rutgers Community Christian Church, he is still frequently invited to perform solos at different churches and concerts or assist with music training in the other churches.
Chang Gi Meei, a Korean Chinese, graduated from the Theology and Scared music programs of Singapore Bible College. After marriage, she and her husband, Rev. Oo Chin Guan, has served one-heartedly for thirty-six years, and has served in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, and is currently serving the Lord in Columbus Chinese Christian Church in the state of Ohio, U.S.A. She has a son, Oo Chuin Ming, who is also a pastor.
![林德忠老师](jianjie/Samuel Lim 林德忠_236x300.jpg)
林德忠男中音,生于马来西亚森美兰州。2006-2011年活跃于马来西亚音契圣乐团的圣乐演出,并任职2011年的团长。 曾参与演出的作品有韩德尔的“弥赛亚”, 莫查特的“安魂曲”,巴哈“B小调弥撒曲”等.
2008 年开始受邀担任大型圣乐作品的男低音独唱, 包括巴哈清唱剧BWV78号 BWV140号;贝多芬的“C大调弥撒曲”(2010); 巴哈“圣马太受难曲”(2011)以及2013年凯撒.弗朗克的“十架七言”。同年受邀于VIVA OPERA主办的“Aurora双男中音音乐会”,深受好评。林德忠也是马来西亚归正福音资源中心的同工,并常在唐崇荣国际布道团(STEMI)担任领会及独唱。
Samuel Lim
Baritone Samuel Lim, was born in Seremban, Malaysia. He was an active member of Malaysia Yinqi Choir of Sacred Music during years 2006-2011 where he was appointed as the choir leader in 2011. Sacred works that he has sung include Handel “Messiah”, Mozart’s “Requiem”, Bach’s “B minor mass”, etc.
He has been frequently invited to sing in major sacred works as a bass soloist since the year 2008; works included are Bach cantatas BWV 78 and BWV140, Beethoven’s “C minor Mass” (2010), Bach’s “St Matthew Passion” (2011) and recently in February 2013, Cesar Franck’s “Last 7 words of Christ on the cross”. In that same year he has been invited by the organization Viva Opera, to hold a recital entitled “Aurora”, which was performed by two talented young baritones, who received high acclaim from the public.
Samuel is now a co-worker of the Malaysia Reformed Evangelical Resource Centre, and was a soloist as well as song leader in Rev. Stephen Tong Evangelical Ministry International (STEMI).
He continuously pursues vocal training, and is now under the tutelage of Malaysian soprano Cecilia Yap.
![陈菀柔老师](jianjie/Eunice Chern 陈菀柔_211x300.jpg)
陈菀柔生于怡保,马来西亚。2011-2012年曾在“Te Deum Music Music Workshop” 修读音乐系课程,目前在思达亚国际大学并取得奖学金修读音乐学士课程,主修钢琴,副修小提琴。师承马来西亚著名钢琴家Ng Chong Lim及Jaz Tan学习钢琴。目前也是马来西亚音契少年诗班的团员。2013年开始参与恩韵音乐事工的音乐文字工作。
Eunice Chern
Eunice Chern was born in Ipoh, Malaysia. She had her formal musical training at “Te Deum Music Workshop” in 2011-2012. Chern is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Music in University-College of Sedaya International (UCSI), where she has obtained a scholarship and is studying piano under Jaz Tan, whilst taking master classes from Ng Chong Lim. Chern is also a member of Malaysia “Yinqi Youth Choir”. She has been working for Grace Melody Music Ministries since January 2013.
曾任職土木工程師七年,並在美國North Carolina State University拿到結構設計碩士。於1984年蒙神呼召,當年秋天進入加州Fuller Theological Seminary進修神學,分別完成宣教學碩士(Master of Art in Mission)和神學碩士(Master of Theology)。1988秋開始在台福基督教會全職牧會至2006年2月底,期間在美國東部植堂,開拓數間教會。因負擔於神國的事奉,並參與世界的宣教及培訓事工。於2006年3月1日起在普世豐盛生命中心 (Global Life Enrichment Center) 分別擔任宣教部及執行主任(Managing Director),負責整體事工至今。